Star Step for Import and Contracting started practicing works of supplies and equipment with some organization and other parties in cooperation with some foundations, based on the principle of independence and development which had a strong impact on the Star Step leaders had strong motivation which accordingly Star Step was founded officially in the year 2011 and have become engaged in the supplying and equipment business of various activities in continuous and remarkable development.

Our mission

Star Step is keen to provide best quality of services and products related to various equipment and supplies which exceeding our customers’ expectations ensuring their loyalty.

Our vision

We aspire to be in the pioneering position and strive to fix our position and reputation in the market.

Our principles and values

  • Excellence in customer service
  • Quality and diversity
  • Punctuality
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Credibility and transparency

Our goals

We seek to be a leading company contributing in the field of importing and manufacturing furniture, office and medical supplies and contributors to increase the growth of the national economy through:

  • Developing and extending activities
  • Excellence in service providing
  • Continuous growth